Embrace Your Health

Yum, Yum, Yum!  Soo many delectable treats to try! Shall I try burgers or pastas or cakes? I am so confused!?

Hmmm….. Are these mouth-watering treats I eat healthy or are they nutrition less food items?

They are very unhealthy for me you know, but still my mouth waters whenever I think of having them.

I never understand what to do, shall I eat them or shall I not. I usually without thinking just eat them. I think I shall gobble them all.

No, no, no! What am I doing, gobbling the biggest unhealthy food?

 I am going all wrong today, eating food that increases obesity, loss of appetite and worsens digestion.

Wait! Tell me if I got this correct, if my digestive system does not function properly then how will I get the nutrition I need.    

I really need to change my habits.  

From now it’s going to be different. Today is the day when I reduce the consumption of junk food and switch to a healthy lifestyle.

I have made up my mind and I am determined to eat healthy food no matter what.

Oh dear! I really don’t know about how to lead a healthy lifestyle and what foods are good for our health. Hmmm…… now I do recall, that a healthy lifestyle by following the food pyramid, eating a balanced diet and most importantly inculcating the habit of regular exercise.

I think I have done a lot of talking about food. It has made me hungry. I think I should now go in search of healthy food.


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