The Creepy Alien School


Once Upon a time, there was a girl named Diana. She did not know how to read or write. Therefore, her parents decided to send her to a school. The name of the school was “The Alien School”.

Diana thought that it would be of real aliens and actually, it was. The next day when she went to the school, she saw many aliens roaming in the school corridor. She was unable to comprehend what was happening. In the class, the teachers taught something, which aliens understood but she could not.

 After an exhausting day at school, she went home and told her parents that she could not understand anything. Her parents suggested her that since she does not know how to read and write hence she was unable to understand.

The next day she made two friends at school. One was Ally, the other one was Danny. She invited her new friends to come to her house in the evening and that they would play together.

In the evening, Diana introduced her new friends to her parents, on seeing her friends looking like aliens, they realized that Diana did not make the right friends as there is only one alien school in the world and only the Principal of that school has the powers to make anyone into an alien. They got afraid that if it’s the same school in which they had admitted Diana, She might also get converted into an alien.

They all played for a while and went back to their homes .After playing, her parents discussed about this and went into deep thoughts .They were all thinking for a solution and suddenly Fairy Godmother appeared .All three of them were so happy to see her as they all knew that she would absolutely help them.

She said, “Oh dear! What is the problem? Can I help you in any way? They said, "We have sent our daughter to alien school. The principal wants to turn everybody into aliens and take them to his planet as slaves. Please do something."

She said there is only one solution to search for the “Statue of Gold”, which is kept in a secret room of the school. By breaking it, all the kids and teachers of school will be converted back into humans from aliens. Also whenever the kids go home from school they turn into humans and as soon as they reach school they turn into aliens. So, as long as these kids remain at there homes nothing will happen even by breaking the statute.

So, the statue need to be broken when all the kids are present at school. Thursday is the right day to break the statue as all kids will be there.

Fairy Godmother gave Diana’s parents a spray which will make them invisible, and they could use it to sneak into the school and nobody will notice them.

The next Thursday Diana’s parents sprayed themselves to become invisible. Then they sneaked into the principal’s room. On entering the room, they found a door leading to the secret room where they found the golden statue. They took it and threw it on the floor and broke it into pieces.

Now in a jiffy, everyone was freed from the curse and turned back into humans. No one was able to figure out that what had happened.

In the Principal's cabin there was sudden lighting and he disappeared. No one knew where he went. From that day everyone in the city lived happily. However, they had a fear that the Principal might return some day.                                                   




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