Laughter – The Medicine for Life


Being happy always keeps you healthy. It is rightly said that “Laughter is the best medicine for life”. Laughter comes with many benefits like it relives us from stress, protects the heart, boosts the immunity, relax your muscles and may help you live longer. Laughter makes you feel good. It is just like a contagious disease which spreads when someone smiles at us then we also start smiling.    

The best medicine is laughter                  
We should laugh more, hereafter,
It is a wonder remedy for every disease
It can solve any problem with so much of ease



Laughter is fun, laughter is free
To a laugh you should never disagree,
A good hearty laugh can relive you from stress,
When you laugh you refrain others from distress.



When someone is feeling anxious, angry, low or sad
It is the beauty of smile which makes anyone glad.
Instil happiness all around and make your life worthwhile 
 Laugh out loud and spread the magnetic waves of smile.



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